3 64.0 km ranking
NO.1 Kenneth Ho
64.0 km Result : 08:19:00
64.0 km Result : 09:12:00
NO.3 Andy Lo
64.0 km Result : 10:48:00
HOT! 2015/04/19(日)
Round the Island Time Trial 2015
Wong Nai Chung Gap/Tai Tam Reservoir Road
64.0 km


64.0 km


賽事介紹 : This is an annual ultra distance event of approx 64k, founded by former AVOHKer and past Hong Kong resident Tony Gover. Over the years the route has been modified and now is a figure "8" from the sitting out area at Wong Nai Chung Gap/Tai Tam Reservoir Road junction. The route follows catchwater's and country park trails around Hong Kong island with as short a distance as possible on main roads. "True Grit" runners cover the entire course themselves. There is also a "Whimp" category for pairs of runners who wish to share the distance or run it in relay fashion. This event features one of the more eclectic of our finisher T-shirts, every runner has their name printed on the shirt.
The start and finish is in the lower sitting out area between the public carpark and Sir Cecils Ride on Tai Tam Reservoir Road at Wong Nai Chung Gap. You choose your start time (the starts are every 15 mins from 6 a.m. to 10 a.m.) to allow you to finish between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. If you finish before 2 p.m., your time will be recorded as if you finished at 2 p.m. The finish, however, closes at 6 p.m. so that our volunteers can get home. We ask that you respect this time and if you are unable to finish by 6.00pm you withdraw from the event.

The course is marked with blue dots with three dots in a triangle at each junction , the course will be marked in time for the event , there are last years markings around the course but there are several places where slope works and catchments works have erased the dots. Please use the written instructions as a guide when reconnoitering the course for the 2014 event.

This event resembles a time trial and is not a race, runners are NOT permitted to use any mobile aid station. The following should be used as a guide to your time for TRUE GRIT - Marathon Time x 2

If you compete as WHIMPS, the CHANGEOVER point is at the Start/Finish.

In ODD YEARS the route starts on the north side of the island and heads EASTWARDS, clockwise towards Mount Parker, Shek O and returns to the checkpoint via Tai Tam and Violet Hill. The course then continues on the south side of the island going WESTWARDS, clockwise along Lady Clementis ride, the Aberdeen country park, Pok Fu Lam Country Park, mid-levels and then returns along Bowen Road.

In EVEN YEARS the route starts on north side of the island and heads WESTWARDS, anti-clockwise towards mid-levels and returns to the checkpoint via the Aberdeen catchment , Lady Clementis, Deep Water Bay Road. The course then continues on the south side of the island, going EASTWARDS, anti-clockwise along the face of Violet Hill towards Tai Tam, along the Catchwater below Shek O Road crossing at the Hobbie Steps , trail to Tai Tam Road near the Crematorium and then more trail via Mount Parker returning on Sir Cecil's Ride.


開始報名 : 2015/02/20 00:00
截止報名 : 2015/04/01 00:00

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