天氣涼涼 下班隨便跑一下
今天體感溫度比昨天冷 拉筋後走了1K多都還穿著外套
操場上人還不少 一樣看星星 談戀愛 玩團康
這樣也不錯 一個人也不用擔心
11月 天涼好多愁善感 :P
Russian Red -- Cigarettes
Bing Crosby -- Shhh in Madrid
Bing Crosby -- Beautiful Girl
Bing Crosby -- I've Grown Accustomed to Her Face
Bing Crosby -- I Can't Believe That You're in Love with Me
Bing Crosby -- My Heart Stood Still
Bing Crosby -- In a Little Spanish Town
Bing Crosby -- Chicago
Bing Crosby -- Melody of Love
James Iha -- Summer Days
(null) -- 曲目 13
Bing Crosby -- If You Can Dream
Bing Crosby -- I'll Never Stop Loving You
Bing Crosby -- Avalon Town
James Iha -- Till Next Tuesday
Bing Crosby -- Too Marvelous for Words
Bing Crosby -- Paradise
Bing Crosby -- I Hear Music