16.8 km | 01:00:28 | 16.7 km/h日期: 2015-09-03 11:07 - 地點: SSP-2 : SSP -- Seated Sprints -- 10 x :15 (3) -- 10 seated sprints of :15 seconds in duration with 3 minutes recovery between efforts. - 平均心率: 128 - 踏頻: 89 - 卡路里: 442 Cal
計圈 | 時間 (累計時間) | 配速 (差異) | 里程 / 累積 (m) |
1 | | 16.82 (-18.47) | 5610 / 5610 |
2 | | 30.00 (-5.29) | 137 / 5747 |
3 | | 16.74 (-18.55) | 962 / 6710 |
4 | | 30.77 (-4.52) | 145 / 6855 |
5 | | 17.06 (-18.23) | 863 / 7719 |
6 | | 35.29 | 165 / 7884 |
7 | | 16.44 (-18.86) | 820 / 8704 |
8 | | 31.03 (-4.26) | 142 / 8847 |
9 | | 15.13 (-20.17) | 761 / 9608 |
10 | | 32.73 (-2.57) | 157 / 9766 |
11 | | 15.19 (-20.10) | 765 / 10531 |
12 | | 29.75 (-5.54) | 142 / 10673 |
13 | | 14.69 (-20.60) | 742 / 11416 |
14 | | 34.62 (-0.68) | 167 / 11583 |
15 | | 14.88 (-20.42) | 743 / 12327 |
16 | | 33.03 (-2.27) | 147 / 12475 |
17 | | 15.38 (-19.91) | 771 / 13246 |
18 | | 32.73 (-2.57) | 146 / 13392 |
19 | | 13.48 (-21.81) | 676 / 14069 |
20 | | 34.95 (-0.34) | 159 / 14228 |
21 | | 15.52 (-19.78) | 2580 / 16808 |
This is a low Endurance (Zone 2) / High Recovery (Zone 1) ride with 10
Seated Sprints. It is not expected that you will hit all-time best peak
power output. The Seated Sprints are meant to focus on toque production
and the mechanics of sprinting in the saddle.
心率區間 | 心跳數 | 心率等級 |
1:E有氧耐力區 | 108~131 | 65~79% |
2:M馬拉松配速區 | 131~148 | 79~89% |
3:T乳酸耐力區 | 148~153 | 89~92% |
4:A無氧耐力區 | 153~162 | 92~97.5% |
5:I最大耗氧區 | 162~167 | 97.5~100% |
最大心率為167 點此去設定最大心率 |
9月累積里程 : 513.54 km