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34.5 km | 01:50:04 | 18.8 km/h 日期: 2015-09-15 10:05 - 地點: MI-4 -- Micro Intervals -- 40 x :15(:15) - 天氣: 20 minutes of repeating :15 sec. at VO2 max power (Zone 5) followed by :15 sec. of Tempo Zone 3. - 平均心率: 144 - 踏頻: 90 - 卡路里: 908 Cal
MI-4 -- Micro Intervals -- 40 x :15(:15) -- 20 minutes of repeating :15 sec. at VO2 max power (Zone 5) followed by :15 sec. of Tempo Zone 3. Note, the "off" portion of the interval is at Tempo Zone 3, NOT Recovery Zone 1.
9月累積里程 : 513.54 km TCX 上傳 | 9 years ago · 留言 |