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恭喜完成了初半馬 半馬 | 02:30:18 | 07:07/km | 第1半馬
日期: 2013-06-23 06:01 - 總爬升: 124 m - 地點: 板橋浮洲橋 - 天氣: 很熱 - 卡路里: 911 Cal - 溫度: 28°C - 濕度: 83% · 留言 Had sore muscle from last week and we were late 10 mins of the starting, but tried to catch them in 15km, it was good. But after 15km, my muscle started to sore and weather was so hot, then end of few kilometers I walked. 賽前宣言: 第一次參加半馬,一定可以跑完全程的,加油~ 6月累積里程 : 119.09 km GPX 上傳 | 11 years ago